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I was born in Kiev, Ukraine but have made Charlotte, NC my home since 2001. I was blessed to be born into a musical family which gave me a passion for singing and playing instruments. 

I've always known that I would like a career in music and/or with children. While I was in college, I taught a few private students on the side with the little bit of spare time that I had. But as soon as I graduated and had more time, I knew for sure that I wanted to expand my studio.

My favorite part about teaching is being creative and helping kids understand the content. I love making up stories that connect a complicated idea and explaining it in a fun way that connects with the child. The best feeling is when the child gets the concept AND is excited to learn even more!

I want my students to be able to play music that they WANT to play. That means that I don't always but a large emphasis on classical content. It is much more important for me that my students can play songs in a band, in a church worship service, accompanying instruments or singers, etc. If all a child can play is a couple of classical pieces, they tend to have nowhere to play and lose interested in playing altogether. 


My approach to teaching children is deeply rooted in the believe that children are capable of understanding (almost) anything if explained correctly. My aim is to teach the next generation.   My goal is to pass on life giving abilities of self-discipline, creativity, working hard, responsibility and confidence along with many others. The medium I choose as my helper in teaching these abilities is music (mostly because I'm in love with it and think it's the best!).

In my free time I enjoy writing, reading and hiking with my husband.


    & Experience

I first started my musical education at the age of 7 when I attended the Boys and Girls Choir School at St. Peter's Episcopal Church where I was introduced to proper singing and theory.

Later, I took up playing the violin in my middle and high school where I sat principle chair and performed with the Eastern Regional Honors Orchestra in 2012.

I started taking private lessons for piano with Irina Amiryan in 2010. It is here that I received lessons in Russian. She also taught me the Russian method, or Fixed Do. Under her, I studied classical pieces, often composed by Slavic composers such as Tchaikovsky and Arman Babajanyan. 


In 2017 I became the Children's Choir director for my church. I have been blessed to continue teaching the Children's Choir at Church of New Hope for over 8 years. I have taught choirs with over 30 children, ages raging from 3 to 13. I enjoy writing musicals and teaching Russian, Ukrainian, English and even Latin songs.

In 2019 I was awarded the A. Lee Royal Scholarship for piano through the Metropolitan Music Ministries.

In 2020  I received my Bachelors in Music from UNC of Charlotte where I studied piano under Dr. Dylan Savage as well as composition with Dr. John Allemeier.

In 2022 I became the music teacher at Greyfriars Tutorials and currently teach grades 6-8.


Being trained in classical pieces, my personal piano repertoire includes Beethoven, Scriabin, Ravel, Chopin, Debussy, Rachmaninoff and many others. My favorite composers are most definitely Rachmaninoff and Chopin. 

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